“Brunette” by Kurman, music video, 2021.

(2021, @artby.pierre)

(2021, @artby.pierre)


Houston Chronicle 2020 profile article on Camsvisualart.

Houston Chronicle 2020 profile article on Camsvisualart.

Night Crawler Zine: “Suburban Portraits” (2020)

Night Crawler Zine: “Suburban Portraits” (2020)

Raíz Magazine’s 5th edition focused on the idea of “reclaiming.” A photo piece alongside a hand-written piece about reclaiming my brown skin.

Raíz Magazine’s 5th edition focused on the idea of “reclaiming.” A photo piece alongside a hand-written piece about reclaiming my brown skin.

Jubilee, Speed Swiping, 2021.

“Not Witchu” by Serge Alex, 2021.

Screen Shot 2021-10-15 at 7.47.10 PM.png
YourMag’s 11th volume.

YourMag’s 11th volume.